Property auctions coming up in Shropshire

Date Auction Venue Time  

Lion Quays Hotel, Weston Rhyn, Oswestry, SY11 3EN TBA


Castle Hall, West Castle Street, Bridgnorth, WV16 4AB 18:00

Shropshire Sales Data

Below is live property auction data on sales over the past 12 months and is updated as auctions take place where there is a lot for sale in Shropshire

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There are 4 active auctioneers who are based in Shropshire

These auctioneers have also sold property in Shropshire at an auction in the past 12 months

All Wales Auction - North Wales Auction, Allsop Commercial, Allsop Residential, Auction Estates, Auction Hammer Midlands, Auction House Birmingham & Black Country, Auction House London, Auction House Online, Barnard Marcus, Benjamin Stevens Auctions, BidX1, Bond Wolfe, Butters John Bee, Connect UK Auctions, Cottons, Higgins Drysdale National Property Auctions, IAM Sold Online, McHugh & Co, Network Auctions, Phillip Arnold Auctions, Pughs, Savills, SDL Property Auctions, Sheldon Bosley Knight, Town & Country Property Auctions Cheshire, Shropshire & Staffordshire, Town & Country Property Auctions NW, MW, Oswestry and Chester, Yopa.