Modern Slavery Act 2015 Policy

This document is produced in accordance with section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and outlines the steps which Essential Information Group have taken to reduce the risk of modern slavery in all of its corporate services, processes and activities.

EIG provide a subscription-based service that enables clients to access information on every auction property in the UK that has either been sold or is going to auction. We also provide a broad range of various resources and services to auction houses to facilitate the organisation of property auctions.

EIG is committed to acting ethically and transparently with regards to the prevention of all forms of forced labour, human trafficking, servitude and slavery, within the business as well as its supply chains. This document applies to all those employed by EIG and is published on our website for consumers, employees, the public and NGO’s to view.

In order to prevent modern slavery, EIG identifies and mitigates risks in the following ways:

  • Ensuring all our employees are paid at least the minimum wage and have the right to work, as well as continually reviewing and auditing this process;
  • Encouraging the reports of whistle-blowers as well as their protection pursuant to modern slavery;
  • EIG have a zero-tolerance policy towards modern slavery and will not support or do business with any company or individual involved with slavery or human trafficking;
  • All EIG employees comply with these values, and we expect all those in our supply chain to do the same.